
In 2022, NAEA自豪地庆祝了它的50周年纪念日, and we were excited to celebrate all that we have accomplished in partnership with our members, 员工, 客户, 提倡, 和支持者.

NAEA began as the Association of Enrolled Agents (AEA) in the state of California – which boasted a small but mighty membership base of 35 members as reported on the first membership list issued in October 1972 – all of which were residents of California. 今天,我们的会员范围不仅遍及全国,而且遍及全球.

我们感谢荣耀五十年来的发展承诺, 促销活动, 支持, 为注册特工和EA证书辩护.

NAEA 50th 纪念商店

抓住你的50th 周年纪念swag和展示您的EA骄傲通过购物我们公司的商店. From messenger bags and drinkware to dress and casual shirts, we’ve got your celebration swag here.


The history of Enrolled Agents dates back to 1884 when Congress passed what’s known as the Horse Act of 1884. 由切斯特·A·克林顿总统签署成为法律. 7月7日的亚瑟王, 1884, the bill was created as a reaction to fraudulent war loss claims in the wake of the American Civil War. 战后, many citizens faced difficulties in settling claims with the government for property confiscated for use in the war effort, 许多可疑的索赔都是由骗子提交的. 结果是, Congress endowed enrolled agents with the power of advocacy to prepare claims against the government. 为注册代理创建了一个标准,其中包括适用性检查, 犯罪记录检查和道德品质评价.

1913     1913年,黄金城电子娱乐网址宪法第十六修正案生效.S. Constitution was passed which declared Congress would have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, 不管来源是什么, 没有在几个州之间进行分配, 而且不考虑任何人口普查或计数.

在这一年里, 1913年税收法案 也由伍德罗·威尔逊总统通过并签署成为法律. This expanded the scope of enrolled agents to include claims for monetary relief for citizens whose taxes had become inequitable.


1921     随着收入, 房地产, 赠予和其他税收来源变得更加复杂, the role of the enrolled agent increased to include the preparation of the many tax forms required. Audits became more prevalent and the enrolled agent role evolved into taxpayer representation, promulgating a series of statutes which were combined into a single Treasury Department Circular in February 19, 1921, 称为第230号通告, 解决“管理代理人认可的法律法规”问题, 律师, and other persons representing claimants before the Treasury Department and offices thereof.”

1959     A special enrollment exam was created to qualify representatives before they could represent taxpayers before the IRS.

1966     The Treasury Department began using the Enrolled Agent (Enrolled to Practice before the IRS) title for the professionals it licensed.


加州注册代理人协会. (n.d.). 登记代理人和CSEA的历史. 历史. 检索日期:2021年12月15日,网址:http://csea.org/CSEA/Your_CSEA/About_Us/历史/CSEA/Your_CSEA/历史.aspx?根键= bcd7a01d - b74c - 4099 bc5c bbae0df4a98c

1972     NAEA was founded as the Association of Enrolled Agents (AEA) in 1972 in Hawthorne, California. 通过大卫·斯莫兰的开创性努力, EA, the Founding Chapter of an organization dedicated to Enrolled Agents was established in Los Angeles. 一年内, it was the largest organization of EAs in the country and was the basis for what would later become the National Association of Enrolled Agents.

EA的帕特丽夏·汤普森和EA的埃勒里·辛普森拜访了参议员阿尔伯特·S. Rodda (D- CA) (1959-1980) to sponsor a bill that would permit Californians enrolled to practice before IRS to use the letters “E.A.作为标题. 该法案于1979年4月14日由州长杰里·布朗签署.


1981     哥伦比亚特区市长马里恩·巴里.黄金城电子娱乐网址宣布5月11日为“全国注册代理人协会日”.”

1983     在NAEA会议期间,首次使用了Workshop概念. NAEA当时有2828名活跃会员.


1985     EA的Pat Burton成为NAEA的第一位女总裁.

NAEA的 董事会 voted to approve the proposal of Bryan Gates, EA, to start the 全国税务实践学会.


 1986    NTPI的第一次会议在华盛顿的乔治梅森大学举行, DC是一个为期三年的课程.

设立NAEA Syd Schuldiner年度奖学金, 董事会投票决定成立NAEA教育基金会(NAEA- ef).

1989     设立了非洲环境规划署法律和立法基金. The  purpose of its establishment was to provide financial assistance to 支持 State Affiliates or individual Member EAs, 由NAEA董事会决定.

1990     A motion was passed that NAEA suggest to IRS that the CPE required by Trea­sury Circular 230 be increased to 30 hours per year.

1993 – 1994     财政部最终指定了字母缩写E.A. 作为登记代理人.

NAEA passed a motion that would provide assistance to legislators and government agencies by explaining and clarifying proposed governmental actions that will impact EA clientele.


1994- 1995       你有邮件: NAEA是第一个与AOL在线的从业者团体.


1995 – 1996     技术精明: The Board approved that meetings of the board may be held by “conference telephone” or similar communications equipment if all members of the board have been notified and a majority of the board members participate and can hear one another.

1997 – 1998     NAEA开始使用同意议程.’ This decision was made to help streamline the running of meetings by combining routine business motions and then voting on them in one motion.



1999 – 2000     NAEA开始电子传播 E@lert 2000年2月1日的通讯.



2002 – 2003      讨论并提出了建立NAEA的动议 联系。 类别 的会员.

2004 – 2005     NAEA将总部从马里兰州盖瑟斯堡迁至华盛顿特区市中心. This move was made to more effectively interact with Congress, the IRS and other agencies.

2005 – 2006      NAEA held a government relations event for the first time: a breakfast meeting with Congressman Jim Ramstad (R-MN), 当时的主席 众议院筹款监督小组委员会,以及大约30名NAEA成员.

NAEA的 政治行动委员会 was formed to demonstrate the association’s commitment to be a player in the areas of tax legislation and administration.

2008 – 2009     NAEA附属委员会成立.

在线 特殊招生考试(SEE) 准备项目被引入.

当时NAEA总裁哈特出席了会议 今日秀 alongside seven other enrolled agents in March of 2008 to answer tax related questions from viewers. 琼Chatzky, NBC新闻个人财经记者, 报告登记代理人所做的工作,以及为什么他们是专业的税务编制人员.

2011 – 2012     Schuldiner/Smollan领导力学院于2011年秋季举办了第一届会议.

The NAEA Board passed a motion to allow electronic devices to be used at the board table for NAEA purposes at all meetings.